Computer Guy

Computer Guy
Sunset at DoubleM Systems (, Del Mar, California

Saturday, November 21, 2020

First Time Founder Lessons

Lesson #1: Listen to users to resuscitate revenue that's flat-lined.
"A lot of people that design products are in the mindset of, 'I will magically imagine some perfect product and I will pass it down as a gift to my users.' But that’s very rare. It’s usually the other way around — existing users talk about what they wish brands would do, but that feedback isn’t incorporated into the product design."

Lesson #2: You're going to screw up key hires — it's all about how you course correct. “One of my biggest mistakes as a first-time founder was executive hiring. It took us awhile to realize that the most important thing was that we needed to hire people who had already done exactly what we needed them to do — not a similar thing on a different scale."

Lesson #3: When it comes to advisors, bring more on and dedicate more time with them. “A lot of people don’t structure their advisors correctly. Most of the time you have coffee with them once, you tell them what you’re up to, they tell you what they did, and then you maybe talk to them once or twice again – that’s it. I would meet with my advisors for maybe 20 hours a week on average for a year — maybe even more in some cases. Our target was three advisors per major function."

Lesson #4: Proactively manage burnout for yourself and your team. "One of the biggest risks to company performance is founder burnout. It’s the CEO’s job to present and communicate in a certain way our commitment and focus and excitement. If that’s not lined up, there’s going to be a lot of ripples, and it can be dangerous."

Lesson #5: Spot long-term problems, make unpopular calls, and stick to your guns. "If we’re going to go under, it wasn’t going to be because I didn’t do what I thought we needed to. Or I didn’t do what I thought was right because it was too hard or other people might not have liked it."

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Audiobooks vs. Podcasts vs. Videos vs. Books

Audiobooks, Podcasts and Videos have the advantage that you can consume them hands-free, so you can be doing something else at the same time.

However, that advantage is also a major disadvantage. If you can be doing something else, then you most likely will  be doing something else, and with the reduced attention to the content, you will most likely miss important parts of the content.

Books require your full attention. You will find it difficult and dangerous to try to read a book while driving, walking, etc.  :)

Another disadvantage of podcasts and videos is that important content can not easily be bookmarked for later review. With books, this is easy.

Further disadvantages with audiobooks, podcasts and videos is that they are intended for serial consumption; that is you must start from the beginning and go to the end. It is easy go get bored with introductory material in these formats, and assume that you already know it all, and not persist with the content to find the true gems of knowledge. Books make it easy to skip around, to scan for chapter titles that are more interesting and to skip over stuff you already know.

If you really want to learn something, choose a book every time, take notes, and put what you learn to use in your daily life and/or your systems and processes in your business.

For maximum leverage, give a copy of important books to existing and prospective team members, and continue to reinforce the key points in 1-1 and team meetings. 

Review the concept of the essential nature of a Company Library.