Michael McCafferty
Del Mar, California
55+ years serial entrepreneur,
Advisor to Entrepreneurs
Advisor to Entrepreneurs
1964: IBM computer salesman
1968: Founder/CEO: EDP - unique/successful competition to ADP.
1979: Founder/CEO: first electronic yellow pages (PAL).
1985: Founder/CEO: first CRM software product TeleMagic ( Inc. 500 in '91, '92, exit '92 ).
2001: Co-founder/Director: Landmark National Bank
2000-present: Founder/CEO DoubleM Systems
2000-present: Founder/CEO DoubleM Systems
Adventure aviator - 1993-2000:
Pilot-in-command of vintage open-cockpit biplanes,
legendary warbirds including the P-51 Mustang, Spitfire, and B-17 bombers, as well as other fun flying machines such as floatplanes, helicopters, and gliders.
(auto racing SCCA: BMW, Mustang, Ferrari).
Owner of various exotic cars including several Ferraris over the years. My history in cars.
2003 - 2010: Achieved highest skill level in American Pool players Association. Undefeated winner of multiple tournaments. (blog) (book)
1965-1971: honorable discharge from WVANG and PAANG,
Expert marksman, awarded American Spirit Honor Medal,
Audi blog
Hammock blog
Bike blog
Pool blog