(October 30 is National Checklist Day)

The checklist is one of the most high powered productivity tools ever discovered.
Brian Tracy
No wise pilot, no matter how great his talent and experience, fails to use his checklist.
Charlie Munger
Introduction to Checklists
Big Picture
What is a checklist - Wikipedia
The Checklist Manifesto, How to get things right - in depth, the best book about checklistsTo Do List vs. Checklist - what is the difference?
Advantages of using checklists - from Quora
Quotations about checklists from the Checklist Manifesto
Who needs checklists?
We don't need no stinkin' checklists! - if you're like these guys, you can forget about it.
Origin of checklists
How the Pilot's Checklist Came About - people have to die before anything changes
Poor Examples of Software Development Checklists
Any piece of software reflects the organizational structure that produced it. (Conway's Law)
App Development checklist - from Enola Labs, What to consider before beginning20 Things to do before you build an app - from Blue Cloud Solutions, Mobile development
Usability checklist - from Stay in Tech, Catch common usability problems before user testing
This is NOT a checklist; it is a list of Do and Don't, right and wrong, but not a checklist.
This is a checklist. Not a great one, but you will notice the difference.
US Department of Energy software testing checklist
Ultimate Checklist for App Deployment Success - from Stackify (Not app specific)
Build Your Own Checklists
A checklist for building checklists - of course there is one of these!
Checklist.com - very basic, free, and worth what you pay for itCheckli.com - very basic, free, and worth what you pay for it
Process Street - better, freemium model, inexpensive
Google Spreadsheets - free, basic yet very powerful, sharable, recommended
Checklist Secret Sauce by DoubleM
Research. Google for existing checklists to do what you need done. Modify to suit. No ego.
Begin it Now. Any checklist is better than no checklist, if continuously improved with feedback.
Delegate. Every team member has responsibility to create/use/improve checklists.
Manage. Team managers must approve changes, and for adherence to standards.
Reward. Recognition and rewards for excellence in checklist development, use, feedback.
Standardize. Add the following to your checklist for building checklists.
Standard Heading at the top of every checklist
Checklist name
Checklist number (Form number)
Responsible Person - Who is the "owner" of this checklist
Date last updated.
Link to Change log - (Who made the change, When, What changed, Why)
Signature of team member Who executed this checklist, When, and for What job.
Sections. Break up the list for readability. Lots of white space.
Standard Formatting
Standard font, point size, colors, links, etc.
Headings for sections. Indent items under sections.
Keep it short. One line per item. Maximum of 10 items per section.
Action verb to start each item, if possible. See above.
Graphics, charts, photos. What is that about a picture is worth... how many words?
11/2/2017 - First time user experience for product success