Now is the time in my life
when I take a stand,
and say to myself
and to the world:
I will do this thing called Startup,
I will create a thriving business
from only an idea.
I will beat the odds against me,
because I will use every advantage.
I will give it full attention and commitment.
I will build a strong foundation,
using the Leverage of Experience and Principles.
I am an Entrepreneur...
I will be Quick to Act,
because Time is of The Essence,
and the path changes
frequently and suddenly.
I will be Quick to Act,
because there are Competitors.
I must be ready for the unexpected.
I must Do the unexpected!
I am Entrepreneur.
I can do so much with so little that soon I'll be able to do the impossible with nothing.
Or so it seems...
I am playing a plate-spinning act called Startup.
With limited energy of my own,
I must keep many plates spinning
or they will fall, and that's not a good thing.
These plates are named Recruiting, Customer Development,
Support, Sales, Marketing, Finance, Product Development,
Human Resources, Legal, Accounting, Research,
Competition, and even a couple of un-named plates
that pop up unexpectedly and demand attention...
it seems that the plates never end!
Each of these plates spins at different speeds,
and the speeds change unexpectedly!
Therefore, I will be Quick to Act.
I am a multi-tasking, always on, fully wired, mobile,
self-optimizing, guided missile on a Mission From God.
I fear nothing.
If my Action returns sub-optimal results,
I will be Quick to Act again.
All depends on me.
I will Trust My Intuition.
I will Take Action.
I will Be Bold.
Nothing happens without Action.
Time spent Thinking and Studying is not Action.
I will act now.
I will persist until I succeed...