Computer Guy

Computer Guy
Sunset at DoubleM Systems (, Del Mar, California

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

What's More Important?


Sunset is in an hour,

There's nothing I have to do until then.
One solid hour, I can do anything I want.

I could lie in the hammock
listen to the surf, 
and enjoy the rest of the day slip by,
maybe take a nap and dream of flying the biplane...
That sounds really good.

Or, I could do email, or watch a few YouTube videos, or see what's happening on Facebook, Twitter, Clubhouse, Snapchat, TikTok, Netflix, Amazon Prime video, or even LinkedIn. Lots of choices!

Or I could do something on my More Important List. 

Given the opportunity to really think about it, surely there are things more important than social media. And yet, here we are!

That's why I'm making a More Important List, to stick on the laptop/phone/tv. I'll add to it from time to time, and move some things to the top of the list and bingo: a Most Important List. 

Here are a few things I just put on my More Important List:

Family and friends: call, write, text, schedule a meetup.

Organize, Optimize, Simplify this work is never done and is highly rewarding.

Exercise: I can always use just a little more.

Write: Social media is for creators not consumers.

Read a book. I read a lot but I always have lots of books waiting for me. 

Hammock nap, dozing off to the sounds of the surf.

Learn something. Right now, I want to learn about web scraping. And there are a few good classes I can start anytime I want on MasterClass, which is a totally excellent gift my son Mike gave me for Father's day. I've already taken courses on Writing, Comedy, Poker, Chess, and my next one is going to be Negotiation.

Music. Just kick back and relax and have a good Think.

Meditate. Be still, and Breathe. Smile. Repeat.

​I feel better already now that I actually have a More Important List. That hammock is calling my name. Glad I put that on the list!

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