In my years of flying, I often wished I had an Autopilot, but that would have taken the adventure out of the experience. It was a lot of work
All commercial airliners, business jets and most other aircraft have an Autopilot installed to relieve the human pilot of a lot of the busy work of staying on the proper compass heading, maintaining altitude, keeping the wings level, etc. These things consume a lot of mind-share while flying but when delegated to a robot who will perform tirelessly and perfectly, the pilot can focus on other important tasks such as communicating with air traffic controllers, looking out for traffic, dealing with checklists, etc.
Ordinary humans have an Autopilot feature too. It's called Habit.
an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed
until it has become almost involuntary
Also, we probably have some bad habits we would like to drop, such as eating too much, eating the wrong foods, excessive drinking, staying up too late to watch TV, procrastination, disorganization, etc.
First we make our habits,
and then our habits make us.
John Dryden
It works best if we create good habits when we're younger, but here we are right now, a jumble of some good habits, hopefully, and a lot of bad habits we'd like to get rid of. That probably seems like a lot of work, almost impossible, right? That's what I thought, but I found a way that makes it a lot easier than you might imagine.
We get into the habit of living
before we acquire the habit of thinking.
Albert Camus
We are what we repeatedly do,
Excellence, then, is not an act, but a Habit.
Chains of habit are too light to be felt
until they are too heavy to be broken.
Warren Buffett
You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily.
The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.
John C. Maxwell
Motivation is what gets you going.
Habit is what keeps you going.
Jim Rohn
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny
Lao Tzu
In the absence of clearly defined goals
we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia
until ultimately we become enslaved by it.
Robert Heinlein
The strength of a man's virtue
should not be measured by his special exertions,
but by his habitual acts.
Blaise Pascal
Your net worth to the world is usually determined by
what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones.
Benjamin Franklin