Computer Guy

Computer Guy
Sunset at DoubleM Systems (, Del Mar, California

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tech Support: Your Hidden Sales Force

How to make your Support team your best Sales team!

Read the story from



  1. Hi Michael,

    You're getting lazy :) essentially posting links to other people's content.

    As a visitor to your blog, I would love to hear more about YOUR thoughts and ideas, not just links to other people's content.

    Come on, you've lived and are living an interesting life. You've got to to have tons of original thoughts and experiences to share, especially on start ups :-)



  2. Ritesh...

    I apologize for posts which are sometimes not your preference. Please understand that none of my posts are designed primarily for readers, rather some are meant to be, like the one above, a private database of resources.

    Thank you for your positive comments. Please be patient during this drought of inspiration...
