Computer Guy

Computer Guy
Sunset at DoubleM Systems (, Del Mar, California

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

The System for Meetings

Success in business requires communication.
Communication requires Meetings.

The effectiveness of Meetings
can have a lot to do with our
speed and quantity of success, or failure, in business.

Therefore, let us look at Meetings,
as a basic building block of corporate culture,
a place and time where we do our best work,
where we grow together as a team,
and where we build the company.

Let's create a System for Meetings
as one of our major competitive advantages.

This system was designed about 6 years ago,
with the assistance of Kat and a clean sheet of paper.

Click here for The System for Meetings (Word format).

Remember, although nothing of man is perfect,
"any system is better than no system",
as long as it has the self-optimizing feedback loop.

And, on that note, you will see the feedback form
at the back of this document, so please be kind enough
to give us your feedback on the use of this system.
Thank you.